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Booking a hotel without checking the reviews is unthinkable today! Hotels that actively generate many authentic reviews benefit from a higher findability on the internet and thus get significantly more bookings – on the portals and commission-free directly on their own hotel website. Optimise your guest communication, distribute your reviews automatically and always be informed about what is written about your hotel on the internet.

Customer Alliance

Customer Alliance

Description Engage with your customers, collect feedback and optimise your business with Customer Alliance’s intelligent solutions. Communicate with your customers throughout all stages of the journey. With intelligent triggers that automate interaction and feedback collection, you can ensure you’re on target with your customers’ expectations. Generate more revenue with integrated upselling solutions and gain holistic insight into the interaction between your customers and your business. Interface Arrival / departure date, name & email other products Front Desk Booster Automated customer communication, reduced manual effort, increase sales through upsells Reputation Booster Generate more reviews and increase visibility on the internet Satisfaction-Booster…

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